What’s going on here?

Have you ever had one of those friends you laugh with whenever you’re around them because you can’t help it? Why a podcast? Honestly- because we love to talk, but especially to each other. So now we have an excuse to sit and talk uninterrupted every week… 🙌🏼. That’s us.

We met at work in 2017 and instantly connected because we’re working moms, wives, and busy! Our offices were next door then, and the walls were so thin we could talk through them. If one of us heard the other laughing, we’d see why - and so began our friendship and daily sharing of funny stories about our kids and everyday lives.

So, in 2020 we started this podcast! We thought it would be fun to have a place to laugh about being moms - not complain about it, which seems to have become the norm these days... As Liz’s Maw-Maw said, “Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from cryin’!”. So, if that sounds fun, listen each week and contribute, too! Our Mission is to bring laughter and positivity to the long days and short years of motherhood.

Rooting for You,

Amanda & Liz

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